Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy birthday to my favorite little brother

Buckner Class of 2012
 It's funny how life happens. When I was younger I couldn't stand my little brother. He used to mess with all of my stuff, never left me alone, always got lost in walmart when I was ready to go, never let me get the front seat without a fight... and he swore he was smarter than me.

Years later... This kid is one of my closest friends. Having a sibling is truly a blessing. A gift that everyone does not get the joy to experience. It's true what they say... despise them when they are young.. adore them when they are old.

Some how the bad, throw temper tantrums in Walmart boy grew up into a sensible, mature, motivated and caring young man. Amazing how things happen. I actually get more life advice, dating advice and laughs from my brother than he does from me.

I hope he knows how much I appreciate him and thank God for him.
My family is a joy. My joy.

I love you brennen. I'm proud of you. Come back from Paris soon.

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