Monday, January 2, 2012

My Prayer for 2012

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for a wonderful 2011. 2011 was filled with laughter, tears, challenges, triumphs, adventures, travel, time with family, love and happiness.

As I enter 2012 I know that you are with me every step of the way. As always God I have a few things that I am asking for and I hope that you will see my best this year.

This year God I am shedding the blankets of loneliness and chasing after you and only you. I will be thirsty for the completeness of Jesus Christ and realize that true Joy will come from you. I ask that you keep my eye on you. I know You are tired of my lukewarm ways and mediocrity. It is through this open letter that I am reaffirming my faith and know that through you the things not yet seen will become seen.

Thank you God for what is to come in 2012. Its the year of the MD. Through the opportunities that you have provided I will finally reach this goal. My growth as a physician God I am laying in front of you. My dreams are BIG! I know you hear them and see them. Help me to realize that my career will not complete me like you can. It will come with days of sorrow and pain but it is also my chance on this earth to make a difference and Love thy neighbor which you did tell me to do. God remind me of my competitive nature and please do not allow it to be an obstacle to my goals or relationships with my colleagues. Wherever I end up may I find friends and a family to grow with. I also ask for a moment of true peace and stillness before intern year. May I find myself spiritually, mentally and physically restored before a new challenge begins.

Thank you God for my family. I ask you to continue to bless them. I pray for my mother's health, my father's health, my brother's ambition and focus, thank you for my grandparents and everyone else that prays for me, cheers for me and encourages me to not give up. I love my family and am SO BLESSED to have their love every day. Your kindness to allow me to know the love of a family is truly appreciated.

Laughter, peace, growth and joy are at the center of my spirit for 2012. If someone met me and did not feel those things coming from my soul.. God please forgive me. I surrender pessimism, negative thoughts and sadness. It will not be easy but one day at a time, one step at a time I will look to you in 2012.

My God is mighty. Taking a little girl from Stone Mountain and given me great opportunities in 2012. May I continue to find completeness in my Heavenly Father and walk closer to my Savior.

In Jesus' name

Colossions 2:10
and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

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