Monday, July 25, 2011

HAIR RULES: Kinky curly hair

quick post.
I like this link about natural hair rules.  Check it out.. A few basics to get you started if you are newly natural.

I REALLY like the moisturizer by this brand HAIR RULES! Pricey but highly reccomended.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Missing IT.

Have you ever missed something that you once had?  It’s been gone for awhile and then you all of sudden look around as if it was just there.  Once very important in your life. Helping you get from place to place. Keeping you warm when needed … or cooling you off like an unexpected breeze on a sticky summer evening.  But you have been moving so fast right? No time to worry about things that are no more.  Adjusted. Found a replacement. Moved some things around. Redecorated to fool your memories, your mind, your routine. Just keep moving. You won’t even realize you lost it. Right.  But then you stop.
Stop. Breathe. Look around for it. And shoot its not there.  Well where is it. Oh whatever. Its gone right. Then someone else asks.. Where is it?? Did you lose it? What happened?   I DON’T KNOW!
Do you miss it? Hmmm I don’t think so. But I guess now that you asked... maybe.  Its okay.. Let me get moving again. I won’t miss it anymore. I already replaced it.   Then you ask… What do you really miss?? I mean your first ride was great?? But the new one is smooth right??  Your first house had personality but this new one is big with plenty of space... How could you possibly miss it??  What is IT anyway.  Is IT that amazing lip gloss you lost, that car you sold, a friendship that got away, a love that was lost. Are you really missing it… or the idea of IT. The idea that this lip gloss was going to help u snag the one!  Or maybe that ride was a sign of independence. You and that friend were going to take the world by storm… Or that love and thoughts of what IT could be.
Whatever it is. Missing it is just it. It’s missing. Gone. But we still wonder….It’ll show up again..right? I’m going to find that lip gloss ;-) I just know it.

Adele - Set Fire to the Rain Lyrics

WeLL this week I am off from med school! THANK GOD! seriously. And I am catching up on life. Soaking it up!! LOVIN LIFE. wastin time. tweeting more than necessary. reading.
I finally purchased Adele's CD. It's so sad how behind I get on pop culture when lost in the books..
I must say I am very impressed and for some reason this song is one of my favorites. I love when a singer is really vulnerable and sings with passion. This is my pick for the summer! Even though it probably came out in January. :-/ Better late then never.

New Series: Dating Gone Wrong.

I think its time to start a new blog series called DATING gOne WRONG!

We have all been on a REALLY REALLY awkward date. The night starts out very blissful and hopeful. Feeling fresh, smelling good and outfit is right on time :)  Then the evening starts to turn.....  In many situations it turns instantly upon introduction. Especially if this is an online dating set up. Other times.. give the guy a few minutes to warm up and no worries. Awkwardness on lock. 

For my fellas out there.. I know what you are thinking. What is this chic talking about?? What makes a date awkward?? just a few Examples...

- Trying to kiss a girl too soon. like maybe on the first date! UGhh. If I do not even know you! Why would we want to swap spit. I can think of ALL the foul things going on in there (fut doc in me).. SLOW YOUR ROLL. Nicely quoted in Love Jones.. "We like it slow and easy." :-)

- Texting me to tell me you are outside. If this is a date.. Please come knock on my door. That mess makes things awkward.  or on the flip side. At the end of the night not taking off your seat belt. Getting out of the car. AND WALKING me to MY DOOR! NO you will probably not get an invite in!  But you will never know because you did not even unbuckle your seat belt!

- The check at the end of the meal. KING of awkward moments. You will get PLENTY of cool points if you can be smooth at this moment. Fumble this moment if you want to. But guess what.. We wILL FUMBLE YOU. On to the next one. Okay maybe that sounds a little brutal. **lets just say..this is the first sign of a man's manners and appreciation of my time. VERY KEY MOMENT.

- I've noticed there is a trend to text your date what you are wearing.. I.E.. I'm keeping it casual. idk.. not a good move. just let the lady do her thing and bring whatever A game she is trying to bring. Somethings go without saying.

** These are just a few of many. In the next couple of weeks I will be posting stories from friends who have had some awkward.. DATING GONE WRONG moments.  If you have ANY!! LET ME KNOW! We can keep it anonymous.

** And then maybe after this.. We'll do DATING GONE RIGHT!  Because it does occasionally go right. I mean fella just hits it out the park :-)   tOO bad.. I haven't seen a home run in awhile. :-0
i've got stories though. no worries.

keep it fly fresh and 25.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life updates. The Year of the 25 :0

out with Amanda turning 25! it was a good night ;-)
Hey Friends!!!

It has been TOO TOO long since I have posted. I've been on my step 2 study grind. Thank goodness that test is done. Studying everyday all day is really not good for the soul. It zaps all your energy and definitely leaves me lacking inspiration for posting.  bUT guess what friends !! I'm back!!

School. I am VERY excited about the year to come. In one week I will be starting my 4th year of medical school. I could not be more excited. The idea of interviewing at different programs, flying all over the country, graduation. This is the start of a big year for me!! August 1st I'm starting this worldwind at Moses Cone Hospital in GBORO. Holla at me if you are in Greensboro, NC!!


YOGA! So I finally committed to my yoga challenge. Thanks to an amazing groupon deal!!! This month I have unlimited classes at franklin street yoga center. ($30 cost. $100 value)  I am VERY impressed at how much strength I have gained from doing yoga. SERIOUSLY. I would not lie to you. side note: If I was guy and I wanted to meet ladies.. the yoga studio is a gold mine! Women everywhere in yoga outfits..FYI fellas. Okay BAck to yOgA. Everything gets stronger. Arms. Core. Glutes. Legs. I am a true yoga believer now! Running and yoga!! If it was not 120 degrees in north carolina and the gym wasn't a great place to meet bachelors.. I wouldn't even need my gym membership. #singlewomanflow. Cannot let the membership go quite yet. real talk. Definitely will not run into any guys while rolling out the yoga mat.

DATING. No updates here. Well.. I did here a good sermon about how when a man is ready to find his wife he goes out to find her. Which gave me a lot of peace. My future husband is going to find ME! Love it! All I need to do is work on me, be confident and approachable. BASICALLY NO desperation needed ladies. KEEP it FLY and CONFIDENT. He'll find ya! Or maybe he found you already.. and just needs to get himself together. (fingers crossed!)  
U know deep down many of us want to be wifed up one day anyway. NOT tomorrow. but one day ;) till then though!!! ;0 (i'm humming beyonce single ladies ...put your hands up!)  
LIVE IN THE MOMENT!!! AND believe me!! ITS A GOOD MOMENT!  Do not worry about the things of tomorrow!!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK????  How long is too long to date?? 
Alright.. I would like my friends opinion on this one.. Men and women.
How long is too long to date someone without the relationship moving on to a new level of committment or focused direction?? Is there a moment that you realize the relationship is stagnant?? 
Personally if I was dating someone for 3-4 years and they did not have a vision for where this was going and when they planned to put a ring on it as Beyonce says.. I would prob get a little bored and move on.
I just thought I would throw this question out there.. because unfortunately through the years I have seen GREAT people waste good years with people that eventually decided they did not want to date them anymore.  HMMM did it REALLY take 6 years to figure that out?? OR were you just WASTING their time!  


Thursday, July 7, 2011

I need to kiss R&B music goodbye!

Well this one is definitely for my single twentysomethings out there.

It is official. I think summertime is the worst time to be single. No worries ladies.. I've come with good news! You can easily make it through the summertime singledom if you stop listening to R&B music!  I promise. It will make things ALLLLL better. For example.

Last week the one and only King B otherwise known as Beyonce came out with her highly anticipated album 4. While eagerly opening my CD I was hype. Already singing to the left to left and humming upgrade u before I could get the wrapper off. I just knew I had some girl power anthems in store.  I quickly realized when the album started off with 1 + 1 that beyonce had something else in mind. Homegirl is in love. Clearly Jay Z is doing something right in her life! Believe me there is no jealousy in that last statement. promise!
She goes on to sing.... she has been shot by somebody's love bullet. Next track.. I miss u... Let me love u till the end of time... something about why are we fighting over the same old thing (that one really got me).
Before I could even get to girls rule the world which is the last track of the album.. I was layed out looking pitiful on my couch wishing I was in love. AND only 30 minutes earlier was I humming let me upgrade you! Because yes Beyonce's great as they are... are never longer than 30 minutes.

What is the point of this long saga. Just how easily emotions can be changed and affected by R&B music, love music, baby making music as some people call it. Once I listened to Beyonce's CD about 10 times and was borderline depressed I said you know what! I am going to kiss r&b music goodbye! No more! not me! "I'm not that girl!" As my friend amanda likes to say! ;-)  Well that lasted all of one day. After all the gospel music in the world I needed a change of pace and found myself back to my Jill Scott and Alicia Keys playlist.

So whats the answer? Clearly, I do not know. I think being aware of when your emotions are not their strongest and  laying off the repeat x1 Alicia Keys "I need you" might be a start.  I mean it is unrealistic to think I will never listen to another love song until I'm in love.... But I do not think I need to have the sappy music on repeat all the time. Longing for that B and Hov love is cute and all. or even better that Barack and Michelle love! But why miss the marvelous moments that are in my presence.

Spending time with my family! Laughing with friends! Dreaming about what place in the world I will see next! Enjoying that tonight I ate cereal and did not have to worry about any one else's well being.

I end this post with this! Summer could be much much better if we could kiss R&B music goodbye! Until then!


Here is one good slow jam for the road! That R&B is no good! I tell ya! Listen! and THEN kiss R&B goodbye!