Wednesday, March 9, 2011

whose trying to get chose?? CIAA part 1

Apparently we were!  Where you might ask.... CIAA 2011.  What is CIAA??  Word on the street is its really a basketball tournament in charlotte. I dont even know what it stands for.   BUT I DO KNOW.. Every time i go. I have a good time.
Tryin to get chose! thank goodness this is not full body. the legs were out! we grabbed the freakum dresses alright. smh..  the year of the 25.. "shrug" 
 motto for the weekend: "GO HARD OR GO HOME"
partners in crime: Chelsea and Sophia  and whoever else made an appearance
Purpose: To be fly and if we happen to meet some brothers on the way (with professional employment).. added plus

This is how the weekend started..

FIRST. Let me start by saying it took me 4 HOURS if not more to get to charlotte. Supposed to be a 2hour and 15 min ride. There were SOOO many black people trying to get to Charlotte to act up.. It was ridiculous. THE HIGHWAY WAS A MESS.

While not moving on the highway.. this text convo occured btw me and little bro. (I'm listening to Wale for the first time. Bro put it on the ipod before Christmas)

Me -  Love this black n gold song by wale
Little bro - its nice! But thats not even his song. He just rapped on it.
Me - I like the entire CD it's great. Esp Ambitious girl
Little bro- Are you hearing it for the first time? lol
Me - Yep I am! Lol. Wale is at the party i'm going too. Had to be ready in case I get into VIP :-) lol
Little Bro - Lol! I see you tryna get chose. Act like you don't know who he is

** never made it to VIP haha. but I was ready though!

LATER THAT NIGHT.... after a few drinks and  at the post club let out (Always my fav part :-) )

Chelsea  sees J cole (rapper) walking by.... of course  LOUD Chelsea.. " HEY J COLE!" He looks of course..   LOUD me.. "J COLE I follow you on twitter".....   Two dudes trying to get our numbers STOP. LOL.  then awkward silence....


Act like you dont know who the celeb is.. LOL.

yeah... i was feeling good :-)

PART 2  coming after I get some work done... apparently I am still in med school.. sighh.....


all the people at the epicenter. i think this is right b4 my awkward jcole moment.

its all a blur! :-) sooo many people.

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