Tuesday, April 24, 2012

President Obama at UNC :)

President Obama at UNC :) 

Today I had the pleasure of hearing President Obama speak on education affordability. Time and time again through the last 4 years I have missed numerous opportunities to hear President Obama speak due to unnecessary dedication to my studies. Fortunately with my new 4th year swag.. I decided to "do now and think later." I am definitely happy with this decision. It was an honor to hear the President speak. A moment I will share with my grandparents and my future kids :) 

I appreciate President Obama seeing the extreme value of education in America. Unless you are the next Jay z or Beyonce... education is the major gateway to a better financial future in our country. With that being said..... education in the US is so darn expensive. We dig ourselves in a hole financially with the optimistic hopes to lift ourselves back out of the hole. Which in many ways does not make any sense. The average medical school student in the US graduates with $150,000 in debt and often more if you include undergraduate studies. This is a serious amount of debt. From personal experience this amount of debt feels as though the world is on your shoulders before you even enter the world. After interest accrues the average clinician pays over $300,000 for the total cost of their medical education at the end of the loan terms. 

Although President Obama did not specifically speak on medical school debt I can only hope that the administration is aware of this problem. It did not show up overnight. It leaves little incentive for folks like me with tons of debt to practice in primary care. I go on... but I say all this to say. #dontdoublemyrate As President Obama said today. I hope we continue to keep interest rates low on all these loans folks like me have to take out. 

President Obama thank you for coming to UNC!!! It made my day, week, year. everything! I'm so glad I was there.

Here are a few pics from this EPIC day. 

And of course.. it never gets old that my President is Black :) 

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