Monday, April 23, 2012

The Bold and the Solo

The year of the 25 is finally coming to a close. My year at 25 started with a fun loving trip with my best girlfriends in the ultimate city of NYC and ended with an equally fabulous solo trip to Paris and London. If traveling is not enough I will officially get the MD status just days before turning 26.

I must say 25 was all I expected and much more. I am amazed at how much I learned about myself traveling alone and highly recommend it. I plan to share more about my trip to Paris and London in the upcoming days. I will say a few quick things. Traveling to another country alone has left me feeling fearless :) I feel new energy for whats ahead. I have a zest for life that I hope to share with someone one day but until then I will live life and explore the world solo :)

I think this picture sums it up... "Catch me if you dare :)"

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