Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Low Expectations are the Best Expectations

Apparently...Low Expectations are the Best Expectations

Hey Friends! 

I haven't blogged about anything fun in awhile. Recently its been mushy, emotional and reflective. SOOOO whats on my mind today. Dating in 2012. yes yes yes. My rant about how pitiful dating is for a young twenty something is back. 

Where do I start.. Recently due to medical school winding down and my recent news that I am moving has surprisingly made life more interesting. But no worries.. just when I get excited for a few dates.. I get disappointed.  

Problem #1: Text Messages. I cannot say enough how much I hate text messages. Yes yes I know.. this is the time we live in. I think personally if you want to ask someone on a date.. you should step up and give them a call. I really do not get it. Texting back and forth takes forever.. you cannot get an idea for someone's mood, level of enthusiasm and it just takes too long. I used to have a no text policy.. but clearly that would equal no dates until i'm 60 and men can no longer see the key pad.

Problem #2: Have a plan.  I quickly get turned off when I have to come up with the ideas for the date. Especially the first date. COME ON...   Then I try to help these guys out... I come up with a few things.. and then when I say I'm out of ideas.. they have none. Yeah. I'm done.  I mean all these places to eat in Durham.. Atleast if you do not have a plan.. be clear. "I'll do whatever you want to do. Pick you up at 7." 

Problem #3: Why is a girl like you still single?  Does anyone else get this question?? I want to say.. if men would stop texting and have some follow through maybe I wouldn't be single. But I don't... I smile and shrug and say I don't know.   BUT I DO KNOW.  

The guy who gets my time... and maybe a chance at my heart.. will actually pick up the phone, call me, have  an idea of something we can do for fun and maybe even call a few days later and let me know how great my company was.  Oh the joy of the simple things.. Maybe someone will read this and step up his game. Or not. 

In the meantime.. I will continue to shake my head, try and help these men out.. and respond to a few text messages when I feel kind enough..  

DON'T SETTLE FOLKS! Mediocrity killed the cat. This RANT is for all the ladies dealing with foolishness and the men that do not even realize they are being FOOLISH. 

Enjoy the following links. Definite Laughs. 

 (They need to invite me on ask a black woman.)

1 comment:

Portia said...

Someone call the cops!!!!! Come up with my own date ideas??? He better show me the receipts and return that nonsense to the store. Men put in no effort these days and then they want to complain that girls out here aren't worth the effort. That's because you stay talking to the same type of foolish girl and not real women. These men are scared to talk to real women because they are scared of getting hurt.

In fact, I don't blame them for not putting in effort when the girls they talk to accept any type of behavior. They better get some standards and learn how a man should really treat them.