Saturday, March 24, 2012

The City of Brotherly Love

It was a simple white envelope. One piece of paper with the simple line "Congratulations you have matched." The room was buzzing and filled with anticipation. I opened it.. and said one word. "Penn."

I'm moving to the city of brotherly love! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I am very excited to say that I will be joining the Internal Medicine Program at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Simply known as HUP!

After 8 long years in North Carolina I am FINALLY moving. Packing my bags. Taking all my cuteness and enthusiasm for life with me. (sorry NC fellas...) I think you all might have missed the boat on this one. ;)  anywho.. I digress.

There is one thing that I have truly learned from the past 8 years of pushing forward through school.
 "It's not where you start its where you finish." 

Whats next! Philly Watch Out!!!
New Patients :) 
New People :)
New Adventures :)
New City :) 
New Challenges :) 
New Friends :)

 The following are my promises to myself in my next city. I'm writing these for when times get rough...  

- Never be the whining resident. Just do the work and be pleasant about it. 
- Never forget about the patients. They come first.
- Compassion. Trust. Teamwork. Fundamental. 
- Don't be afraid to try new things, get out in the city and be adventurous. I am now on that do not discriminate policy. Equal Opportunity Employer ;) 
- Be Assertive, Aggressive and Confident. You were chosen for a reason. Time to be the fly young doctor :)


Special Shout out to the Davis Crew. Young docs in training. 
Shout out to both my Bible Study Crews. Such great friends! 

Me and the moms. She showed me me up with her level of flyness. :0

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