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out with Amanda turning 25! it was a good night ;-) |
It has been TOO TOO long since I have posted. I've been on my step 2 study grind. Thank goodness that test is done. Studying everyday all day is really not good for the soul. It zaps all your energy and definitely leaves me lacking inspiration for posting. bUT guess what friends !! I'm back!!
School. I am VERY excited about the year to come. In one week I will be starting my 4th year of medical school. I could not be more excited. The idea of interviewing at different programs, flying all over the country, graduation. This is the start of a big year for me!! August 1st I'm starting this worldwind at Moses Cone Hospital in GBORO. Holla at me if you are in Greensboro, NC!!
YOGA! So I finally committed to my yoga challenge. Thanks to an amazing groupon deal!!! This month I have unlimited classes at franklin street yoga center. ($30 cost. $100 value) I am VERY impressed at how much strength I have gained from doing yoga. SERIOUSLY. I would not lie to you. side note: If I was guy and I wanted to meet ladies.. the yoga studio is a gold mine! Women everywhere in yoga outfits..FYI fellas. Okay BAck to yOgA. Everything gets stronger. Arms. Core. Glutes. Legs. I am a true yoga believer now! Running and yoga!! If it was not 120 degrees in north carolina and the gym wasn't a great place to meet bachelors.. I wouldn't even need my gym membership. #singlewomanflow. Cannot let the membership go quite yet. real talk. Definitely will not run into any guys while rolling out the yoga mat.
DATING. No updates here. Well.. I did here a good sermon about how when a man is ready to find his wife he goes out to find her. Which gave me a lot of peace. My future husband is going to find ME! Love it! All I need to do is work on me, be confident and approachable. BASICALLY NO desperation needed ladies. KEEP it FLY and CONFIDENT. He'll find ya! Or maybe he found you already.. and just needs to get himself together. (fingers crossed!)
U know deep down many of us want to be wifed up one day anyway. NOT tomorrow. but one day ;) till then though!!! ;0 (i'm humming beyonce single ladies ...put your hands up!)
LIVE IN THE MOMENT!!! AND believe me!! ITS A GOOD MOMENT! Do not worry about the things of tomorrow!!
QUESTION OF THE WEEK???? How long is too long to date??
Alright.. I would like my friends opinion on this one.. Men and women.
How long is too long to date someone without the relationship moving on to a new level of committment or focused direction?? Is there a moment that you realize the relationship is stagnant??
Personally if I was dating someone for 3-4 years and they did not have a vision for where this was going and when they planned to put a ring on it as Beyonce says.. I would prob get a little bored and move on.
I just thought I would throw this question out there.. because unfortunately through the years I have seen GREAT people waste good years with people that eventually decided they did not want to date them anymore. HMMM did it REALLY take 6 years to figure that out?? OR were you just WASTING their time!
1 comment:
I don't know if there is a specific time frame where a relationship has to move forward into the next stage, each relationship is different. I do think however that it is important at our stage in life to be upfront out of the gate about what you are looking for and find out what the other person is looking for. If you know you are ready to get "wifed up," not tomorrow, but in the not sooo distant future then there is no point in wasting significant time with someone who doesn't have settling down in their 3-5 year vision for their lives. Yes it's nice to just go out and have some dates here and there but if you start spending more and more time with one person that you know is not looking for what you are looking for, someone is going to end up getting their time wasted (most likely the person looking for "more").
I've recently come to terms to the fact that, while I am definitely enjoying my life as a young single and *fly* 25 year old I also recognize that I am ready to settle into something that will move toward marriage in 3-5 years (preferably 3. :) ) So when I date I make sure I ask those "life vision" questions pretty soon into the courtship/relationship so that yes I can have fun dating and getting to know someone but not much time is wasted...because I'd much rather enjoy my free time with friends and loved ones than waste time getting my hopes up and putting effort into something that I'll later find out is just a "fleeting romance."
Just my opinion.
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