Monday, October 8, 2012

Supper: Philadelphia Restaurant Week

This is a quick post.. But I had to mention the delicious restaurant I went to last night. Again I pulled a straight from the hospital to the outing shenanigan. Thank goodness for cabs.

I met a few of my co interns for Philly restaurant week at Supper last night. The food was SOOOOO good. And the cocktails were even better. The restaurant on first appearance seems demure but it was simply delightful. The atmosphere is quiet yet lively. The decor is classy and not over the top. AND the food.. was scrumptious and flavorful. Fresh and savory. I haven't had a good meal in a while. I will definitely go back. They get all their ingredients from local farms which is cool too.

Great for girls night or a date with someone special ;)  My cocktail of the night. "Big Fun"

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Keeping my head above water

Well folks I had two weeks of outpatient medicine.. blogged like crazy. Then returned to the hospital and completely fell off the face of the earth.

The last two weeks have been surprisingly busy and shocking in sooo many ways.
Where do I start??

I haven't worked out all week :( Atleast 3 times this week I went to bed without eating dinner..  and I haven't spoken to my mother in two weeks..

I started my intern year in the intensive care unit which was really really tough. Mostly because I was new to the system... simply felt clueless and I was working with some "interesting" personalities. Despite being clueless the ICU is a foolproof environment in many cases because there are so many experienced senior doctors and tough, amazing, self sufficient nurses.  This difficult month was followed by clinic, a consult service, vacation, golden weekends and more clinic.. I didn't even realize I was living the good life.

Fast forward to the past two weeks. I hit the general medicine floors. Or maybe they hit me.. To be determined.

I can't even remember the first day.. I remember feeling excited. Excitement because I really felt like a doctor. Making moment to moment decisions. But then the excitement settled and reality set in.

I'm pretty sure I get over 100 phone calls on my phone a day and that does not include the few folks that are nice enough to text page... I frequently get ridiculous attitude dished out to me from technicians, nurses, patients, fellow doctors... everyone. If they work in the hospital..its likely they have an attitude. By 3 day I was already jaded and dishing attitude RIGHT back. Pleasantries are dead.
And thank goodness for my co interns who are soo helpful. If it weren't for the majority of my patients and co interns.. I may have quit last week. This week one of my patients was crashing and needed stat labs. My co intern came to my rescue calm as a kitten and with swag. It was pretty amazing.

The good news is... things have gotten better. Although I still seem to always be the last intern to leave (I blame this on the horrible computer system/paper system)... It's bearable in most circumstances. I put on my lets get ish done attitude and get it done.

Who KNEW being a doctor was so hard... I had no idea. But all I can say is.. I'm keeping my head above water. And hopefully soon will be swimming against the current.

In the meantime I barely made it to see Ryan Leslie in concert last night. My crew knows I love some rles. :) I went straight from the hospital to the concert... work clothes and all. stethoscope in the bag. I play no games. :)

Shout out to all my girls baking pies this weekend, on exciting blind dates and texting "my man" references. You girls make me proud :)